Oil on canvas 135 x 200 cm with an interactive projection, 2022
“Electropolis” consists of an oil painting combined with a simple video game that runs also in unattended demo-mode and drives you
from the era of industrialization to the present life in a great city towards the yet unknown future.
The canvas depicts a skyline of Berlin where the spectators can play the game and help to save the city from going back to the era
of steam engines, but move forward and build the necessary infrastructure. Projected on the painting is a video game and it is lighting up the representations of the everyday issues our society is facing now.
Combining the two mediums creates an interactive projection for spectators to play the game. Using the phone or tablet, each participant controls a figure, here the representation of an airship, that builds wind, solar and nuclear power plants, high voltage pylons, lights and other infrastructure that power normal city traffic. If you are a good player then the inhabitants drive cars and planes like now. However,
if you play badly then they can ride just bikes, horses or walk as they did through most of our history.
Seattle Creatures
Oil on canvas 135 x 200 cm with an interactive projection, 2020
“Seattle Creatures” consists of an oil painting and a game inspired by the old-school video game “Space invaders”.
The canvases depict a skyline of Seattle where the spectators can project their desires and excitement. Projected on the painting is a video game, which I made in cooperation with Pavel Spilka and it is lighting up the representations of our fears in contemporary life.
Combining the two mediums creates an interactive projection for spectators to play the game. Using a phone or tablet, each participant controls a figure, here the representation of a submarine or a fly, that shoots the enemies, but watch out the enemies are shooting on you as well! The better the player, the longer he can play with my painting.
Tiger in Seattle
Oil on windshield of vehicle 150 x 90 cm / video projection, 2020
Neon Dreamer
9 conjoined oil paintings each 40x50 cm with an interactive projection, 2019
“Neon Dreamer” consists of nine oil paintings and a game inspired by the old-school video game “Pacman”.
The canvases depict a universal American city where the spectators can project their desires and excitement. Projected on the painting is my video game, that jumps between the conjoined canvases, lighting up the representations of the “Neon Lights” in the city.
Combining the two mediums creates an interactive projection for spectators to play the game. Using a phone or tablet, each participant controls a figure, called dreamer, that runs to various bars. There, the dreamer drinks beer and collects money for more drinks, but watch out for those cops! The better the player, the happier the dreamer will be and the longer you get to play with my paintings.
African Tiger
Oil on windshield of vehicle 140x70 cm /video projection, soundtrack by Ondrej Ďorko, 2012
It is an absurd situation, so I chose title "African tiger". The painting is painted on a windshield of a vehicle, because in African National Parks it is not possible to get around without a car. It would not be advisable anyway, if you do not want to be eaten by a felid.
The cat, who is running in the picture was hit by car some time ago and this tightened him even more with the theme of replacement.
Santa and Guitarist II.
Recording of a projection on 3 oil paintings on canvas 65 x 65 cm, 2013
This collection comes to life just in a connection with light coming from a data projector. This makes it also difficult to record a full quality of this installation, which you could fully enjoy just “alive” in a gallery. It is a combination of two different media – a physical presence of classical painting with a projected moving image.
The subject of inspiration for this project were flashing neon figures, which we meet so often in shop windows, especially in a Christmass time. That's why the figures in my paintings are placed in front of a glass wall of a bank and their advertisements. Santa and–guitarist have the same job this time: spend, consume and give away... until it is possible. Finally they both end up in briefs and even so: a poster provokes them again "Buy now, pay us next year!"
Recording of a projection on an oil painting on canvas 120 x 160 cm, 2008
This project comes to life just in a connection with light coming from a data projector and sounds, which were recorded in Mexico. This makes it also difficult to record a full quality of this installation, which you could fully enjoy just “alive” in a gallery.
It is a combination of two different media – a physical presence of classical painting with a projected moving image. I was also
caught by the opportunity of painting two paintings on one canvas and than with the use of a projection of opposite colours I show always just one of them.
The subject of inspiration for this project was Mayan double immolation ritual. There, during the ceremony was torn off the hard
of the sacrified victim and it was used as a dish for the god of Sun, whos deputy was an eagle – an animal coming from heaven. After that was the body thrown down from the pyramid, so the mother Earth got also her dish and would be fertile … In my work I used this theme in a relieved way, so here is sacrificed a whale – an animal, which has not much in common with Mayan culture. Also under the pyramide are silhouettes of contemporary people, who are standing, talking together and dancing, so sometimes it makes
the impression of a party … the Maya people as well probably perceived this rite more as a happy event, where they met each other, talked and thanks to which they ensured the favour of gods.
Santa and Guitarist I.
Recording of a projection on 3 oil paintings on canvas 65 x 65 cm, 2008
This collection comes to life just in a connection with light coming from a data projector. This makes it also difficult to record a full quality of this installation, which you could fully enjoy just “alive” in a gallery. It is a combination of two different media – a physical presence of classical painting with a projected moving image.
The subject of inspiration for this project were flashing neon figures, which we meet so often in shop windows, especially
in a Christmas time. That's why the figures in my paintings are placed in front of a shopping center glass wall. One of the figures
is Santa Claus – popular advertising symbol of consumer society, which is reminding us: “Have you bought presents for all
your relatives already? If not, than move quickly.” Guitarist is the complement: “Enjoy your holiday, the time of wild parties!” Also
their figures are “alive” and “move” thanks to the principle of complementary colours.
House without flaw
video, 2006
I created this video in an old house right before demolition in the center of Prague during the theater festival "4 days in movement".
Mezipatra I.
video, 2004
I created this video to project it at the gay festival called "Mezipatra" in Prague.
Mezipatra III.
video, 2004
I created this video to project it at the gay festival called "Mezipatra" in Prague.
video, 2006
video, 2003
This video shows various possibilities how a fly could die.