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vernisáž Antropocén 1
Anthropocene, Invisible changes:
30/6 - 24/7/2022: Gallery of Art Critics, Palác Adria, Prague
Moving Image in the City, Edita Pattová a Lucie Svobodová:
12/5 - 26/5/2020: Gallery of Art Critics, Palác Adria, Prague
Neon Dreamer 2.0:
8/10/2019: City AirGallery of Art Critics, Palác Adria, Prague
Neon Dreamer art tour:
3/8/2017: Jane Richlovsky Gallery, 108 Cherry Street, Seattle, WA / 5. 8. 2017: Idea Fab Labs, Chico, CA
11/8/2017: Minna Gallery, San Francisco, CA / 12. 8. 2017: Kennedy Gallery, Sacramento, CA
14/8/2017: Neyborly Gallery, Berkeley, CA / 15. 8. 2017: Kaiwa Gallery, Santa Cruz, CA

Neon Dreamer is a site-specific art project focused on movement in all ways. The images move around the canvas, people move around the painting and the project itself moved throughout the United States. 


We drove from town to town, setting up the art piece and game at various locations. People passing by were invited to play the game and for those that stop, the goal was to teach or reteach the gift of enjoying the present and become more conscious to look around and see the beauty that surrounds us in our daily routine. 

This channel is coming soon!
4. 4. - 29. 4. 2017: Solo exhibition: Neon Dreamer, Gallery Prokopka, Děčín
23. 9. - 30. 9. 2016: 43. World Gallery of Drawing - "OSTEN, 43. International Biennial of Drawing", Skopje, MK

I won an "Osten Award" for a silver-gelatin print with a drawing on the negative from the series "Bohemian Paradise".

11. 9. - 23. 9. 2016: IV. International landscape painting symposium with an exhibition in the City Gallery, Spišské Podhradie, Slovakia
12. 7. - 24. 7. 2016: Figure in Motion, Gallery of Art Critics, Prague
5. 4. 2016 – 29. 4. 2016: Forum Junge Kunst: Bayern - Tschechien 2015, Scientific library, Pilsen
18. 12. 2015 – 10. 1. 2016: Forum Junge Kunst: Bayern - Tschechien 2015, City Gallery Regensburg, DE
8. 12. 2015 – 16. 12. 2015: Inscape, Gallery of Art Critics, Prague

This collection is autobiographic realization of real situation, which the author had to deal with after she crashed a car. Within

the claim settlement she had to deal with the form for ecological disposal called "Change of the vehicle purpose". This name inspired her and she named the artwork after it. 

The point is, that the owner of the wreck must must convince the office of the change of its purpose. It means make a documentation of it and on this base the office takes it out of the register. Within the frame of this process, Edita Pattova decided to valorize

the wreck. She painted directly on the black surface of the BMW engine bonnet. Its original surface is glazing like a mirror, so she installed the bonnet into her room and painted everything she saw reflected in it including the reflection of herself. The bonnet undercoat is black metallic and shows through in the dark and black parts of the painting. When installed in a gallery the black metallic is also reflecting parts and lights of the surrounding. The spectator could see there than two reflections at once: an intimate one from the life of the author and the public one where he plays an active role partly. 

Text: Lenka Sykorova - the summerhouse is placed in park Klamovka

World Gallery of Drawing in Skopje was founded in 1945, it celebrates therefore already 70 years of its activity and it is the only one of its kind in the world. The exhibition in the Gallery of Art Critics named simply "OSTEN" reflects this year's 42. annual of International Biennial of Drawing in Skopje. It is an exhibition of drawings and art on paper and there are exhibited artworks from 30 selected international artists and two Czech ones (Edita Pattova and Filip Buryan). 
What about individual works? It is a decision of visitors what they like more or less, but I would like to point out few artists anyway. Let's start proudly and patriotically from Edita Pattova. Her collection called "Bohemian Paradise" (silver-gelatin print with a drawing

on the negative) brought us joke and hyperbole in the form of "dialog" between unseen climbers and rocks on whose summits they climb. Rough humor of tough climbers is mixed with fantasized answers and sayings of the rock towers on which they climb. 

Shortened from: Richard Konicek

21. 10. - 7. 12. 2014: Solo exhibition: "Facebook", Gallery Fotografic, Prague 1

How do we present our personalities and lives in public? Do we behave differently online and in the "real" world? And what exactly

is the "real" world? Our contributions or comments on Facebook are also read by "real" people after all.. 

The Edita's "Facebook" project examines the phenomenon of this medium and self-presentation. What exactly our profile tells about us? We mostly share only positive feelings or successes, photos which are either funny or sexy, we tend to create our better "avatar". It is not about critics however, it is rather a social study; Edita is also an active Facebook user after all. She has painted these canvases according to real photos and chats on Facebook, thus bringing them back to the "real" world. And some reactions have been rather surprising. Some asked to change their username, others were pleased by becoming a part of this artwork.. 

text: Martin Fojtek, Gallery Fotografic 

The evolution of drawing is in direct parallel with the development of art tools and techniques, and the development of society

in general. Today, drawing can be almost anything that the artist wants it to be... and we respect that! The received 1416 works, sent

by 475 artists from 53 countries around the world, show the success of this year's Biennale of Drawing-Skopje 2014! The jury chose few artists from each country to participate at the exhibition and become part of the "Museum of Drawing" collection. From Czech Republic it was Edita Pattova and from the older generation Adolf Born and Jiri Anderle. 
Shortened text from the catalogue by Mice Jankulovski (Director of OSTEN gallery) 


I exhibited the collection "Autothoughts", drawings in photographs thanks to the support of the "Gallery of Art Critics", Prague.

The "OSTEN gallery" hosted me in Macedonia, so I spent nice time with them. Thanks.

There was a public call before this exhibition, where sent 127 young artists until the age of 35 their works up. A commission made

of eight Czech and Bavarian art critics chose 25 talented artists, who exhibited their works together first in June in a City Gallery Plzen. Since the opening on 13. 12. 2013 is an exhibition offering multilayered view on contemporary czech and bavarian young artistic works possible to see in a City Gallery in Leerer Beutel, Regensburg. 
Shortened from: - Centrum Bavaria Bohemia

30. 11. 2013 – 31. 12. 2013: solo exhibition: Arte in Movimento, Centro Ceco, Milan

"Ethics: DNA of Art" should, due to a meaning of Italian art critique and historian Rolando Bellini, express the importance of art as

"the only ethical existence in the era of capitalism". International biennial of contemporary art in Firenze takes part every second year

in the first week in December in the historical fortress Fortezza da Basso. In 2013 exhibited there and were evaluated 450 artists

from the whole world altogether. Our Edita Pattová as the only Czech participant, sent to Firenze with support of MKČR and

the Association of art critiques and theorists, gained a diploma for a 4. place in the "Installation" category. Her "African tiger",

oil on windshield of a vehicle with light and kinetic projection means aesthetically - ethical interchange between reality and fiction. 
Shortened text by: Vlasta Čiháková - Noshiro (academic councillor of the Biennial)

There was a public call before this exhibition, where sent 127 young artists until the age of 35 their works up. A commission made

of eight Czech and Bavarian art critics chose 25 talented artists, who exhibited their works together first in June in a City Gallery Plzen. Since the opening on 13. 12. 2013 is an exhibition offering multilayered view on contemporary czech and bavarian young artistic works possible to see in a City Gallery in Leerer Beutel, Regensburg. 
Shortened from: - Centrum Bavaria Bohemia

"From different corners" is on one hand a programmatic title of an international exhibition, but also a growing, European - wide cooperation of galleries. The initially formal background are paper works by artists from the participating galleries. The exhibition moves to every gallery, starting in Düsseldorf. "From different corners" is a network of contemporary art and artists, which is

each time directed by one of participating galleries. 
Shortened after Vlasta Čiháková - Noshiro (curator)

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